I had a few
moments before I had to leave. The lapping low tide was intermittently granting
access to a mud plateau littered with white ceramic shards. Most were
undecorated creamware but a few patterned pieces caught my eye, which I quickly
scooped up. Later I noticed two displayed hatched crescent marks– a lead just
too tempting to resist, so onto google images. It took no time to work out they
originated from the first period of Worcester Porcelain Factory, referred to as
‘Dr Wall’. One very similar to the bottom of the coffee mug (rosecroft antiques) pictured below, but now they are adjacent, I suspect mine is from a tea bowl or cup.
Mudlarking Finds: Worcester Hatched Crescent |
Worcester coffee Mug & Saucer 1780 |
Worcester Hatched Crescent |
Whilst I'd heard of Worcester, no idea where is was - England’s West Midlands and in the 1750s home to the impressive Dr Wall. A
doctor, founder of Worcester Royal Infirmary, champion of Malvern water and
such a talented artist David Garrick jumped on chairs at Wall’s home to get a
closer look at his paintings. In 1751 Dr Wall persuaded a group of 13 business
men to pump prime the Worcester Porcelain Factory, a precursor of Royal
Worcester and key player in the history of ceramics.
Dr Wall artist unknown (BBC) |
Porcelain had
been produced in China since 200 and imported to Britain in large quantities
from 16th century. It took until 1710 for Europeans to master the
art of production in Meissan Germany. The race was on to develop British porcelain. It’s said that Dr Wall and
apothecary William Davis experimented at Davis shop and discovered a way to
make soft paste porcelain, later bringing additional technical expertise
by purchased their rival Benjamin Lund’s
Bristol porcelain business in 1752. Securing a supply of soapstone from
Cornwall clinched their success. When added to the mix soapstone rendered the
finished product heat resistant - other
porcelain cracked on contact with hot water. Business canny and continuing to
aim for best in class in 1756 they secured the services of Robert Hancock
arguably the most talented copper plate engraver of his time.
Their target
was the middle market. Products were tea and table wares. In 1754 they accessed
the London market via a warehouse in Aldergate Street and large quantities of
Worcester products were decorated in London by James Giles. Initially designs were hand painted. It is claimed Worcester were the first to introduce transfer printing to
porcelain and from the 1770s most of their designs were transfer printed. Decorated in blue and white with Chinese and Japanese themes and
from the mid 1750s with flowers in the flowing German style popular at this
time. They also produced more expensive
coloured enamelled sets. They became the largest producer of blue and white Porcelain, so many of the porcelain shards found on the foreshore must originate from this company.
I wonder if
the other porcelain shards I found nearby are Worcester? German flowing flower
Mudlarking Finds: Porcelain Shards - Worcester? |
Pattern on reverse of one shard |
For some time I've wanted to match designs on my mudlarking fragments to their original patterns and even better linking these to developments in design over the centuries. Apart from the willow pattern up until now I’ve had no success. This time to my
delight I thought I’d found the remains of the parrot pecking fruit design, associated with the
aforementioned Robert Hancock, this shard has the hatched crescent on its reverse. Sadly on a closer look it's not an exact match, which wiped the very pleased with myself expression off my face.
Mudlarking Find: Worcester Porcelain not the Parrot Eating Fruit Pattern |
Parrot Pecking Fruit Pattern Worcester Mug 1775 (Steppes Hill Farm) |
Ha, found it, the shard above (albeit upside down) is from the 'fruit sprig' pattern, pic below - smug again.
Worcester mug with the “ Fruit Sprigs” pattern Circa 1770 (cathcartsantiques.com) |
Great post - love the history here